Follow These 10 Ayurvedic Principles To Control Cholesterol

How to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides naturally? High cholesterol levels lead to the development of fatty deposits in the blood vessels, which can hinder 

Ayurveda, also known as ‘the science of life’ emphasizes holistic wellness to ensure harmonious equilibrium among mind, body, and consciousness. r 

COVID-19 has offered an opportunity to explore more deeply the potential of Ayurveda and adopt an integrative approach for 

As the COVID-19 pandemic has offered an opportunity to explore more deeply the potential of Ayurveda and adopt an , 

COVID-19 has offered an opportunity to explore more deeply the potential of Ayu

COVID-19 has offered an opportunity to explore more deeply the potential of Ayurveda and 

As the COVID-19 pandemic has offered an opportunity to explore more deeply the potential of Ayurveda and adopt an , 

The e-commerce industry has taken the world by storm, transforming businesses, services, the buying behavior of consumers, and even the lifestyle of people. Eliminating geographical barriers, online global stores

Several factors lead to accumulation of toxins inside your body. Detoxification is a method to get rid of these. Here are some ayurvedic practices which can you cleanse your body.

How To Detoxify Body: कई कारक आपके शरीर के अंदर विषाक्त पदार्थों को जमा करते हैं. इनसे छुटकारा पाने का एक तरीका है डिटॉक्सिफिकेशन.

s Christmas & New Year are around the corner, we are all excited to pamper our loved ones with gifts and happiness. But, looking at the existing situation, we cannot ignore the fact that Coronavirus is not yet gone. Cases are still being reported and in such a situation, people are afraid of going out to 

Several factors lead to accumulation of toxins inside your body. Detoxification is a method to get rid of these. Here are some ayurvedic practices which can you cleanse your body.

Winters have arrived in full swing, and while some people are relishing the cold temperatures, others are experiencing a runny nose, sore throat, 

Ayurveda- most ancient rich, esteemed and celebrated medicine systems in india, has its roots

Based in Sangrur, Medy365 is an online platform that specializes in rendering Ayurvedic products. Leveraging decades of experience the company now provides users with ancient and proven 

Soaps are considered to be harsh for your skin. Ordinary soaps can strip off the natural oil of your skin and leave it dry and dull. These soaps don’t add anything to your skin, rather take 

Queen of Herbs, TULSI, is being used from ancient times in Ayurveda. Tulsi is also known as Ocimum or Holy Basil, and it is one of the 

Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is one of the most notable ingredients in ancient Ayurvedic treatments due to its medicinal, therapeutic, and immune-modulatory properties. The small green, pulpy fruit is loaded with vitamin C, iron, carotene, vitamin B, protein, calcium, phosphorus

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